Founder sells InnoTix after 20 years

The innovative Zurich-based IT company InnoTix Ltd. is being sold to WellDev Ltd. after 20 years. WellDev founder Philipp Wellstein will also become CEO of InnoTix Ltd. from mid-March 2024. The existing business with app solutions for train drivers, trolley drivers and bus drivers in public transport will continue unchanged as a subsidiary of WellDev Ltd.. WellDev's global presence will enable rapid international positioning of the Electronic Driver Bag as the leading industry solution for digital employee communication in the mobility sector. WellDev's additional resources will also enable the rapid market launch of new digitalization solutions in public transport, such as Origa, the first on-board computer on iPad.
The Zurich-based IT company InnoTix Ltd. is being sold. This decision was preceded by an intensive process. Lukas Haldemann founded InnoTix in 2003 after completing his Master's degree in Economics and Computer Science at the University of Zurich. Exiting or selling the company was not his goal from the outset: "As an innovator and pioneer, I've been with the company for a long time now. We have established ourselves as the market leader for digitalization in public transport. After 20 exciting, successful and intensive years, I have decided to place InnoTix Ltd. in new hands. Now it's time to take the company to the next level." Lukas Haldemann will ensure a smooth handover and will be taking a sabbatical from fall 2024.
Further growth in the mobility sector
"WellDev founder Philipp Wellstein lives the same values as I do. He has the potential to open a new chapter with the company," explains Lukas Haldemann and adds: "InnoTix needs a leader with the right skills for the upcoming consolidation and growth phase. Philipp Wellstein has a passion for mobility, expertise in digitalization and experience in managing larger companies than InnoTix has today." WellDev founder Philipp Wellstein adds: "The acquisition of InnoTix is a milestone for WellDev's strategy and a strategic investment decision. The acquisition enables us to grow further in the mobility sector - we are delighted that the success story of InnoTix and WellDev will now continue together." Philipp Wellstein grew up in Basel and holds a Master's degree in Banking and Finance from the University of St. Gallen (HSG). In recent years, he has built up a software company with international clients and now over 200 employees in Switzerland, Bangladesh, Austria, Canada and South Africa. The head office is located at Zurich Airport.
About InnoTix Ltd.
Founded in 2003, the Zurich-based company employs 22 people. The name InnoTix stands for innovation, technology, individuality and Xperience. The IT specialist develops software for the mobility of today and tomorrow. More than 40 public transport companies in Switzerland and Europe with over 26,000 employees rely on the "Electronic Driver Bag" app developed by InnoTix.
About WellDev Ltd.
WellDev was founded in 2017 and is an innovative software development company that develops market-leading digital solutions. WellDev supports companies with dedicated software development teams in the sense of staff augmentation or extended workbench and also assumes overall responsibility for applications as part of a managed service for customers. Strategic and operational consulting in the area of software development round off the service offering. In addition, WellDev develops and markets its own products, Welltravel and trueAct.
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Gründer veräussert InnoTix nach 20 Jahren
Die InnoTix AG wird nach 20 Jahren an die WellDev AG verkauft. WellDev-Gründer Philipp Wellstein wird ab Mitte März 2024 auch CEO der InnoTix AG. Das bisherige Geschäft wird unverändert als Tochterfirma der WellDev AG weitergeführt. Die globale Präsenz der WellDev ermöglicht eine rasche internationale Positionierung des öV-Pad als führende Branchenlösung für digitale Mitarbeiterkommunikation in der Mobilitätsbranche. Weiter erlauben die zusätzlichen Ressourcen der WellDev eine rasche Markteinführung von neuen Digitalisierungslösungen im ÖPNV wie z.B. Origa, dem ersten Bordrechner auf iPad.
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